I can live in a world where the only way to play a Jurassic Park sim game is either Zoo Tycoon, hunting down JPOG on PC for whatever outlandish price it goes for, or investing in garbage cowclickers no longer. The petition is here: better: bug the ♥♥♥♥ out of some sim developer to make a sequel, and add stuff like free form building construction, more advanced terrain generation, bigger islands, more management features like designing the marketing or handling PR, MUCH more sophisticated and intelligent visitors (seriously, the visitors in JPOG are all dumb as bricks), new dinosaur types and species, more industrial and maintenance buildings and more attractions like the Monorail and Gyrosphere from Jurassic World. support would go a long way towards making this happen much appreciated. Snobbytank lähetti viestin:Got a petition started to get Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis on Steam.